Did you know?! Your child probably has some new PERMANENT molars. Around age 6, a child gets their PERMANENT first molars and age 12 they get their PERMANENT second molars
The bad news?! Cavities in the pit and fissures of these new permanent molars account for 80-90% of cavities in permanent back teeth! Why? Even if a child brushes and flosses carefully, it is almost impossible to clean the deep pits and valleys on these new teeth. Food and bacteria build up in these narrow grooves putting the child at a significant risk of tooth decay
The good news?! Sealants can be placed on these teeth that can seal out bacteria and sugars significantly reducing the risk of tooth decay. Research has shown that sealants reduce cavities by 86% after one year and 58% after four years. Sealants, like our fillings are made of durable plastic that protects the chewing surfaces of permanent back teeth. And like our fillings, our sealants never contain BPA byproducts.

Sealants are applied in one easy and comfortable visit. The tooth is dried, the sealant is painted on the tooth, we then shine a light and voila....your child's permanent teeth now have maximum protection!

Make an appointment to learn more and to find out if your child is a candidate for sealants.